Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 1

So here I am, finally 6 weeks postpartum. My midwife has cleared me to start exercising again. I gained a whopping 50lbs this pregancy. Currently I am hovering around 160 lbs, with a goal of 120lbs or fitting into my skinny jeans, whichever comes first. What is my plan? I don't really have one. I'm hoping that by starting this blog, all you readers will support me and hold me accountable. I know how to get in shape, I've done it before and for goodness sakes, I'm a certified personal trainer! This marshmallow like resemblence of me is about to embark on the greatest amount of weight I've ever had to loose. Join me on this journey which will no doubteldy be filled with sweat, tears and low calori jello. I would also like to experiment with different ideas about weight loss and see how they play out on the scale. Low carb, hypnosis, all cardio, all weights etc. If you are so inclined, please join me and keep me posted on your progress as well.


  1. Yay! Go Rosalin!!! If anyone can do this it is you, I envy that. I'm excited to see the results! Good Luck!

  2. Good for you Rosalin! I know exactly how you feel, what you are capable of, and how amazing you are! I will be following- and I would love to trade kids to help us both out. Let me know!

  3. You will do it! I know you can! If you ever want to exercise together just call... We can work together! You are a strong person!
